News Archive 2002
RYAZAN IGOR took BIS at the Borzoi Club Open show, with 31 hounds present.
The judge was Shirley Rawlings.
At the Hound Club of East Anglia Open show RYAZAN IGOR won BOB under breed specialist Sheila Ridge-Reeves.
There were 16 Borzois present. He was also shortlisted in the group.
At Bournemouth Ch. show RYAZAN GISELLE won the reserve CC in strong competition
under Norwegian judge Espen Engh.
At Windsor Ch. show in a good entry under breed specialist Lorraine Marchant (Starborough),
RYAZAN IMOGEN won her first CC aged only 19 months, beating her dam RYAZAN GISELLE who headed a strong Limit class.
IMOGEN is fifth generation homebred in an unbroken line of Champions/ CC winners.