(23.9.87 - 21.4.97)
Laura was sold to Ann Tomlinson aged 10 months and
it took us two years to buy her back!
She was a great character who won 3 CCs, 1 BOB with group shortlist,
3 reserve CCs and her Junior Warrant.
She came into her own as a veteran when she was unbeaten,
winning best veteran bitch at the Borzoi Club Ch. '94, '95 & '96
and best veteran at the N.B.A. Ch. '96.
Laura really made her mark as a brood bitch.
Her first litter, for Yadasar, produced 3 Chs. and a CC winner.
Her second, the Ryazan 'M' litter, contained a Ch., a CC winner,
a reserve CC winner and a USA points winner.
9 years
9 years
6 years